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Jiangsu World Heavy Industry Hydraulic Multi-way Valve Factory Test Bench

Jiangsu World Heavy Industry Hydraulic Multi-way Valve Factory Test Bench

Main technical features:
★The test efficiency is high, and all the factory test items can be completed in one takeover;
★It is equipped with 2 sets of main oil source system, which can realize the simulation test of the load-sensing characteristics of the multi-way valve;
★The test station can be operated by people on three sides, and the main oil port pipeline is suspended to ensure efficient clamping;
★Graphical design of man-machine interface, simple and easy to learn, test software supports the secondary development of test engineers.
Jiangsu World Heavy Industry Hydraulic Multi-way Valve Factory Test Bench
Product Details

Main technical features:
★The test efficiency is high, and all the factory test items can be completed in one takeover;
★It is equipped with 2 sets of main oil source system, which can realize the simulation test of the load-sensing characteristics of the multi-way valve;
★The test station can be operated by people on three sides, and the main oil port pipeline is suspended to ensure efficient clamping;
★Graphical design of man-machine interface, simple and easy to learn, test software supports the secondary development of test engineers.

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