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Guangdong Tianheng Hydraulic Co., Ltd. Hydraulic Pump Performance Test Bench

Guangdong Tianheng Hydraulic Co., Ltd. Hydraulic Pump Performance Test Bench

Main technical features
★Equipped with 315KW test bench and 110KW test bench, the maximum loading pressure is 38Mpa, and the maximum speed is 2500 rpm. It can be used to test the factory test of large displacement plunger pumps such as 355;
★Equipped with Rexroth high-performance proportional loading valve group, with good pressure accuracy and automatic control performance;
★Various variable curves can be output, including PQ curve, IQ curve, UQ curve, pilot pressure flow, etc.
Guangdong Tianheng Hydraulic Co., Ltd. Hydraulic Pump Performance Test Bench
Product Details

Main technical features
★Equipped with 315KW test bench and 110KW test bench, the maximum loading pressure is 38Mpa, and the maximum speed is 2500 rpm. It can be used to test the factory test of large displacement plunger pumps such as 355;
★Equipped with Rexroth high-performance proportional loading valve group, with good pressure accuracy and automatic control performance;
★Various variable curves can be output, including PQ curve, IQ curve, UQ curve, pilot pressure flow, etc.

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