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Guangzhou Academy of Machinery Science, National Rubber and Plastic Products Testing Center Reciprocating Seal Test Bench

Guangzhou Academy of Machinery Science, National Rubber and Plastic Products Testing Center Reciprocating Seal Test Bench

The main technical parameters
★Pressure of the tested chamber: 0~63 MPa (different shock pressure waveforms can be set, such as rectangular waves, etc.), reciprocating stroke: maximum 1000mm (adjustable stroke), reciprocating speed: 0.1~1 m/s
★The test bench adopts a one-drive-two drive form, that is, one drive cylinder drives two tested cylinders, and the drive cylinder and the tested cylinder use independent oil supply systems.
★A tested cylinder is placed in the external environment (with a protective cover) and can be used for all tests at room temperature (20~80℃); the other tested cylinder is placed in a sealed compulsory temperature control cabinet, except that it can be used at room temperature ( In addition to all tests under 20~80℃), low temperature (minimum -45℃) test and high temperature (maximum 120℃) test can also be done.
Guangzhou Academy of Machinery Science, National Rubber and Plastic Products Testing Center Reciprocating Seal Test Bench
Product Details

The main technical parameters
★Pressure of the tested chamber: 0~63 MPa (different shock pressure waveforms can be set, such as rectangular waves, etc.), reciprocating stroke: maximum 1000mm (adjustable stroke), reciprocating speed: 0.1~1 m/s
★The test bench adopts a one-drive-two drive form, that is, one drive cylinder drives two tested cylinders, and the drive cylinder and the tested cylinder use independent oil supply systems.
★A tested cylinder is placed in the external environment (with a protective cover) and can be used for all tests at room temperature (20~80℃); the other tested cylinder is placed in a sealed compulsory temperature control cabinet, except that it can be used at room temperature ( In addition to all tests under 20~80℃), low temperature (minimum -45℃) test and high temperature (maximum 120℃) test can also be done.

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